
Hair Extensions - What kind are right for me?

Everyone deserves their dream hair! Extensions are color matched to seamlessly blend with your natural hair, leaving no visible line of what's your hair vs the extension!

With proper application, maintenance & care your natural hair is not going to be damaged at all, allowing for constant comfort once installed

You can shampoo, style and wear your extensions just as you normally would your natural hair. The hair lasts up to 1 year when taken proper care of.

Different Methods are available for you to discuss with your preferred extension professional to help determine the best application for you and your lifestyle! These include hand-tied wefts, tape ins, K-Tips and I-tips! Schedule a consultation with a Salon Norrell Aveda artist today to get the hair of your dreams! 



Its officially summertime here in Florida. If you’re no stranger to the Tampa Bay area then you know that summer comes with lots of salty air, sunshine & those warm, golden tones. But… if you’re a blonde beach babe who wants to keep that ashy or neutral blonde locks of yours brass free then this blog is for you. Let’s first understand why & how this even happens. The endless sun & oxygen exposure we endure all summer long reveals our hairs true pigment once lifted. Once this pigment is exposed, we tend to feel what most people describe as “brassy”.

Its officially summertime here in Florida. If you’re no stranger to the Tampa Bay area then you know that summer comes with lots of salty air, sunshine & those warm, golden tones. But… if you’re a blonde beach babe who wants to keep that ashy or neutral blonde locks of yours brass free then this blog is for you.

Let’s first understand why & how this even happens. The endless sun & oxygen exposure we endure all summer long reveals our hairs true pigment once lifted. Once this pigment is exposed, we tend to feel what most people describe as “brassy”.


Great news beach babes, we have the NEW blonde revival purple toning shampoo and conditioner! This 100% vegan formula (AND sulfate free) will give your hair the TLC it needs to add that extra brightness while cancelling out those warm tones. Take a peep below to get the low down on the latest & greatest.

  • Reawaken color with violet-rich pigments that neutralize brassiness

  • Revive softness with hydrating and nourishing botanical oils

  • Restore smoothness by resurfacing each hair fiber 

  • The two powerhouse ingredients, acai & passionfruit, are rich in essential fatty acids, which nourish, hydrate & replenish fragile, bleach-damaged hair.